Formed in 2023, the SPCC Advisory Collective is a parent/caregiver-participant lead group, dedicated to advising and influencing SPCC’s practices, policies, decisions, and systems to ensure their perspectives, wisdom and needs of children and families are leading the agency.
This collective of parents, caregivers and program participants was developed in consultation with the local, state, and national parent leadership experts, SPCC leadership, and SPCC participants to center the voices, opinions, and input of those directly impacted by the services provided and programs administered by SPCC. The Family Advisory Collective seeks to provide space for parents and caregivers to make lasting impact on the services they and future participants receive.
The Role of Members:
Members serve a two-year term on the Family Advisory Collective, and are tasked with representing both their own experiences, perspectives, situations, and needs in addition to representing a broader range of family experiences, perspectives, situations and needs. All members are required to have received (current or past) SPCC services. Here are the roles of the Family Advisory Collective:
- FAC Member (2-year term, approximately 3 hours per month)
- Meet with the FAC monthly to discuss and advise on SPCC agency and program specific practices, procedures, materials, events, and programming.
- FAC Family Chairperson (1-year term, approximately 5 hours per month)
- Serves as the FAC lead. Works in partnership with the SPCC Staff Liaison, Vice-Chairperson and the Member Support Lead to set the FAC’s work scope, agenda, lead meetings, coordinate follow ups including recommendations, feedback, and suggestions to the relevant SPCC groups or individual staff (e.g., Leadership Team, Board of Directors, CEO, specific program representatives).
- FAC Family Vice-Chairperson (1-year term, approximately 5 hours per month)
- Fills in for Chairperson when the chairperson is unavailable, and co-facilitates FAC meetings and activities.

Membership Benefits
- Membership stipend – $25 per collective meeting, and $25 per hour spent on FAC related tasks/projects outside of meeting times
- Annual member family outing
- Build connections with neighbors, peers, and fellow community advocates/leaders
- Leadership and advocacy training/experiences
Want to Learn More?
Please reach out to our Family Advisory Collective Planning Team at
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